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Past Exhibition

Past Exhibition

AOP Members' Exhibition: Separation
AOP Members

14th September until 11th October 2105

The AOP is proud to announce the return of its themed exhibitions, we invited members to share their experiences  and interpretations of separation, be it landscapes, portraits, lifestyle, travel; the list is endless.

Physically, mentally or metaphorically, we all deal with types of separation from day to day. It can be something as life changing as loss, to something as inconspicuous as separating the recycling or your washing. 

The 30 images in this gallery have been selected from submissions by AOP Photographer members, you will see a beautiful range & varied interpretation of the brief.

Members included in this gallery: Phil James, Nick Dawe, Alan Gignoux, Wendy Carrig, Susanna Wegner and James Callaghan.

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