Past Exhibition
Movement by Johan Persson
16-22 July 2020
Movement is a personal project exploring movement with-in a still image. A collection of photographs now published in a book that span 12 years of photography taken during performances, rehearsals and in studio settings of major artists and companies within the performing arts.
As a former dancer Johan has always been fascinated with how to capture movement in photography. Starting his professional photography career in dance, and while dance is an exciting and beautiful art form to photograph, Johan feels the frozen image misses a fundamental part of dance, which is the communication of the soul and basic core emotions through movements of the body.
Right from the start, Johan searched for a way of relaying what he knew was the true essence of dance and was experimenting with long exposure, camera movement and sometimes moving with his subject in order to reach these objectives - distilling an image whilst extending it's time. The interplay of stillness and movement, colour and its emotional resonance continually intrigue him.
Johan's photography career very quickly expanded from dance to include all performing arts where he found that he could achieve the same poetry of movement in these disciplines as well.
Read our interview with Johan here
View more imagery from Johan in Find
© Johan Persson