AOP Covid-19 Guidance After 19 July
16 July 2021
Hoping that all is well with you and yours.
We're getting in touch in relation to the loosening of remaining coronavirus restrictions that's going to take place across most of the UK on 19 July. As you will know, most of the remaining restrictions are being lifted, however, we know that this is a particularly challenging time and that reported cases continue to rise.
We are recommending that people continue, wherever possible, to stick to the shoot-production guidelines that we, along with the APA, put together previously.
Clearly, different people have differing attitudes to risk and we would not wish anyone to feel unsafe in a working environment, and indeed, depending on the circumstances, there may well be a duty of care to those working for you.
Covid-19 is going to be with us for some time and the more we make safe working practices a part of our everyday workflow, the better prepared we'll be in the advent of a change in circumstances in the future.
We've updated the notes and guidance on our Coronavirus guidance webpage, here.
Thank you for your continuing support of the AOP.
Stay well and best wishes,
Nick Dunmur
AOP Business & Legal team