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The Board

The Association’s Board of Directors is made up of up to eleven non-executive Directors, who are all unpaid volunteers and the AOP CEO, who is the sole executive Director oon the Board. The non-executive Directors of the Board are comprised as follows;

  • Seven working Accredited Photographer members (which can include one Agent member), formally elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company. A Director can be co-opted on to the Board at any time subject to the majority vote of the rest of the Board, but needs to stand for formal election by the membership at the AGM.
  • One Assisting Photographer member, elected at an annual general meeting
  • Up to three Independent Directors, elected by the Board to bring strong business experience and expertise with them, one of whom is elected as Chair

Information about each of the Directors, including where relevant the dates of original appointment and re-election are given below. 

Isabelle Doran

Chief Executive Officer

Hamish Crooks

Independent Director and Chair of the AOP

Tim Flach

Member Director and President of the AOP
Accredited Photographer

Adam Shaw

Member Director
Accredited Photographer

Chantel King

Member Director
Accredited Photographer

Faye Thomas

Member Director
Accredited Photographer

Gandee Vasan

Member Director
Accredited Photographer

Holly McGlynn

Member Director
Accredited Photographer

Ira Giorgetti

Member Director
Assisting Photographer

Hat Margolies

Member Director

Claire Arroyo

Independent Director

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