The Code of Practice
The AOP Code of Practice is a new document, developed over the past six months and enshrines what we believe to be the principles of best practice. The Code of Practice incorporates the Members' Charter but goes into more detail and lists commonly agreed principles of best practice and demonstrates why and how they should be applied.
It encompasses professional ethics as well as methodology. These principles are, on the whole, points that are agreed on by the professional peer group involved and serve as a measure by which comparisons can be made to the advantage of both clients of signatories to the Code of Practice and those signatories themselves.
The Code of Practice draws from the experiences of practicing professional photographers along with those of commissioners, art buyers and others with whom photographers work and looks at the principles and methodology that underpin best practice.
Members of the AOP are bound by the Memorandum and Articles, the Code of Practice and the Members' Charter.
AOP Members' Charter
The AOP is governed by its Memorandum and Articles which form the legal basis on which the AOP runs and gives certain powers to the Board. The Members' Charter dictates what members can expect from the AOP and what is expected from AOP members. Members of the AOP are bound by the Memorandum and Articles and the Members' Charter as well as the Code of Practice.
AOP's Purpose & Aims
The AOP is a not-for-profit company that exists as a lobbying, promoting, educating and networking organisation for professional photography.
- To defend vigorously, and lobby for, the best interests of the membership
- To promote the worth, credibility and standing of all photographers and the wider photographic profession
- To enable members to understand and safeguard their rights as authors
- To encourage the highest standards in creative, technical and commercial practices at all times
- To form active links between photographers and those in related creative fields worldwide, and to recognise and respect each other's aims and needs.
The AOP is committed to ensuring that the interests and needs of its members and stakeholders, regardless of geographic location, are understood and reflected throughout the organisation and the wider creative industry.
The AOP currently has a number of Working Groups led by the Executive Director and the staff with the Board.
We will communicate to the members and stakeholders of the AOP through the following: AOP member and non-member newsletters; AOP website; Image; social media; events; e-mail; letters and at the Annual General Meeting.
We want to know if you feel we are not performing our duties, suggestions/complaints can be made by letter or e-mail and should be addressed in the first instance to the Chief Executive Officer, Isabelle Doran.
If you remain dissatisfied you should ask for the matter to be referred to the Chairman.
In the event you continue to be dissatisfied with our response, you should ask for the matter to be referred to the Board of Directors who will investigate the matter further.
We will investigate the complaint thoroughly at each stage of the procedure and will endeavour to respond to you within 7 working days of receiving the complaint. If for some reason a response is not possible within 7 working days we will inform you without delay.
Members' Responsibilities
Members of the AOP agree:
- To be bound by the AOP's Memorandum and Articles, copies of which are available on request.
- To treat their employees, fellow members and AOP staff with respect
- To constantly strive to uphold and enhance the reputation of the AOP by demonstrating exemplary standards in their professional conduct
- To support AOP activities and lend their names, whenever possible, to campaigning issues
- To conduct their professional operations within the law